Public Showers in Delaware

Do you need to take a shower in Delaware? Here is the public shower database for the ‘First State,’ which we are constantly updating. There are many free and paid places available.

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States bordering Delaware:


Savannah Beach

Located in both the women’s and men’s restrooms are a couple of cold water showers that are open to the public. The water pressure is good. Typically meant for rinsing off sand, these can easily be used to wash up. Just bring your own towel and soap.


301 Travel Plaza

This is a nice truck stop that has many private shower rooms available at a much more reasonable price than your standard travel plaza. Clean facility with towels provided at no extra cost. Plenty of hot water and ample pressure.


Central YMCA

The Central YMCA located in downtown Wilmington offers free shower access to any guest on their first visit. Simply check-in with the friendly staff at the front counter and they’ll help you register. Very hot water, excellent pressure, and super clean facility. Towels are also provided at no additional charge. Simply a wonderful place!