Public Showers in Louisiana

Do you need to take a shower in Louisiana? Here is the public shower database for the ‘Pelican State,’ which we are constantly updating. There are many free and paid places available.

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States bordering Louisiana:


St. Bernard State Park

Clean facility with hot showers available. Although you could opt to camp here, non-campground guests are welcome to use the showers at a discounted rate.


Burns Point Park

Both the women’s and men’s restrooms have 1 shower stall. Very hot water and super cheap, but the facility is quite dirty and not cleaned very often.


BCSPMTB Trailhead

This is a newer facility that is a mountain biking trailhead. For the price of parking ($3), you’re able to use the public shower near the lot. Adjustble water temperature, but not very hot. It does get “warm enough” but not piping hot. Not very busy and pretty clean!

Grand Isle

Grand Isle State Park

With the price of a day pass to this State Park, you’re able to use the shower facility for free. Nice and clean with hot water that lasts forever. Great stop to wash up!


Big Wheels Travel Center

Very spacious showers available at this truck stop with friendly workers. You can split a shower with another person since they charge by the shower, not by the person. Clean facility but hot water isn’t super plentiful. It typically cools down after about 5 minutes of having it cranked up on high.


Veteran’s Park

This is a free public place that has showers, but they are fairly dirty and not very well kept.


Rebecca Truck Plaza

This is a nice truck stop that is pretty clean. Very hot water and nice pressure. Towels are included in the price.

St. Martinville

Lake Fausse Pointe State Park

Public showers located inside of the campground. Beautiful State Park with hot water and clean stalls. Nice!