Public Showers in Massachusetts

Do you need to take a shower in Massachusetts? Here is the public shower database for the ‘Bay State,’ which we are constantly updating. There are many free and paid places available.

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Kittie Knox Community Cycle Center at CX

This is a nice little community center that lets the public use their showers without a charge. Open daily from 7AM to 9AM for showers and offers a private place to wash up, change, and use the restroom facility.


Nahant Beach Reservation – Ward Memorial Bathhouse

There are a couple of free outdoor showers that are located between the brick building and the beach. Although likely meant for rinsing off after swimming in the ocean, you can easily use these to wash up. Water is not very hot but you can’t complain much since these are free and public.

North Adams

Berkshire Family YMCA

There are several showers available for public use with the purchase of a day pass. Not always the cleanest but the water is hot and the stalls are private. Lockers are also available, but you’ll need to bring your own lock as there is no private “dry area” to change your clothes in.


Burbank YMCA

Although the Burbank YMCA does not technically allow shower-only use, you can get a guest pass for free on your first visit and use the showers inside the locker room. They are relatively clean and offer good pressure and plenty of hot water. Subsequent visits are $15 per day.


Pilot Travel Center

This is your standard Pilot truck stop that has many private shower rooms for public use. Although the price is a bit steep, these rooms are very clean (cleaned after each guest) and spacious. Each room has their own toilet, sink, fan, bench, and soap dispenser. The price is per room, so they allow you to share with your family or partner if needed. Towels are provided at no extra cost.


Wellfleet Town Pier

Located inside the men’s and women’s bathrooms are two showers that are free to use. Abundant hot water and good pressure with extra space available for changing.